Piscean Dreams // Slow Down Friends

The limbs of trees hang heavy with the weight of new snow as we unburden ourselves from that which we believe will give us purpose.

El Niño be damned, this is winter, it is a time for reflection and inner awareness. It is a time for hibernation and to rekindle that deep inner fire which comes to us so naturally in the warmer summer months.

Astro logically we are adrift on the piscean sea, wondering whether to stay afloat or sink to the bottom and explore.  New uncharted territories are never difficult to find during this time, while consistency and heathy habits may escape us like a wet slippery fish.

There can be a feeling of having to do something, a natural reaction to the feeling of being lost, that somehow action or achievement will bring you closer to security.  The fact is, there isn’t a time of the year more suited to peacefulness no-thing-ness then right now.

This portion of the solar zodiac represents the end of life, that time when you experience your twilight.  Perhaps you want to go out with a bang?  In that case let me remind you, we will be born again and rise from our seeming deathbeds ((hibernation dens)) into a newborn feeling of SPRING.  Ah yes… Arise for it is Aries!

Not quite yet, the excitement that you feel is best channeled into a peaceful release of all that does not serve you, making peace with past decisions and accepting the reality ((although possibly harsh)) of you current circumstance.

Like a Broadway performer awaiting his/her time to step on stage, do some deep breathing, ensure you are rested and well fed, because it is about to be your time to shine.


Psychic Astrologer, James Ray

James is available as a Psychic Advisor on 12listen.com12074922_10206558725998804_6138806478111242377_n


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