Our Energy is Returning :: Mars Cazimi

We are in the midst of Mars return to the Sun. Mars is cazimi, in the heart of the Sun.

All the planets have a dance with the Sun, and right now is a pivotal point in the Mars dance. In 2022 Mars was in retrograde in Gemini. If you have personal planets in that area, maybe you’ve noticed how much that time changed your life.

As a retrograde begins, Mars is at its furthest point in front of the Sun, Mars then loses considerable ground as the Sun plods along steadily and Mars spends almost half of a year in the same area.

November 17th and 18th 2023 mark the moment when the Sun finally catches up to and passes Mars in the zodiac. Occurring exactly @25° Scorpio. This time is more than just a single moment.

For the time period from November 10th until November 25th, this is an active unfolding…

Mars is in the Sun currently, burning off excess and reforming. This process is similar to melting something down in order to make something new from it. Any impurities are likely to create noxious fumes. We may find that there are certain patterns that are toxic and have a harder time maintaining them. At the same time, anything that has been repressed will certainly no longer allow for this kind of control.

Mars is wild, untamed, and perfectly happy to be that way. What might seem like dysfunction always has a function. It isn’t that we ‘shouldn’t’ be doing something, it is that we have chosen a route of getting it done that, perhaps, isn’t the most nuanced.

We may find during these weeks that there are simply ‘better ways’ of doing things. What was blocking us? It may appear to be a lack of focus. If we look deeper, however… underlying emotions, attachments, and hang ups are what make it hard to focus.

Mars and the Sun together will help to align our energy reserves, motivations, and actions. If we have invested in resentment over the years, it may begin to show. If we have invested in being a victim (which happens to the best of us at times) we may live this out in order to burn it away.

On the opposite end, if we have invested in love, our passions, our sense of spirit, we are likely to feel heightened and motivated to share this energy. At the very least, we will want to put it to use.

Restlessness is possible as is the need to rest. The dichotomy of the joy of living, we never want to stop living. Exuberance sprouting forward at every idea and inspiration.

Mars and the Sun together is ‘life’ itself.

Use your energy reserves or get used up by them! There isn’t a wrong choice, but align with your goals. Consider the effects of your choices and how they may impact the next few weeks, months, or years.

Mars, in general, is not a thought out and planned energy. Impulsive is a good word, but so is highly motivated. If the impulsivity can be harnessed in sequential and meaningful steps, this time could be as rich as any you experience in the 2 year Mars cycle.

What about that retrograde you mentioned?

The Mars Rx in Gemini and its shadow covered a stretch from September 2022 through March of 2023. The ‘core’ of this transit would have been November 2022 through January 2023.

Were there choices made during that time that hold more weight than usual?
Did you find a new part of yourself or let go of part of your identity?
Were you impulsive or thought out?
Did you hatch a plan during that time?

Well, whatever the case, now is when those actions or inactions are really coming home to roost. I want to remind you that there is no judgement here. Just the cosmic cycle helping us understand how we shape our reality.

Take some moment to think back at how you shifted during that time period. Trust that the changes were indeed necessary, even if they were hard or confusing. Allow the current transit of Mars and the Sun to burn away any regrets, shame, or guilt.

Remember that Mars will not assist you in delusions. Sometimes it’s helpful to feel guilty, its a sign that our conscience is not okay with the things we’ve done. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned or some forgiveness that needs to occur.

The choices that I made were essential to my personal volition and health.
I did my best but also lacked nuance and softness.
I am grateful for the experience.

I am happy to learn better ways to express.
My journey with myself must always take precedence.
This allows me to honor my soul and do the work on Earth that enriches humanity.
Where I have been myopic or selfish, I am sorry, forgive me, I love you.

So, regardless of the pain, regret, and shame… we must soldier onward.

Back to the Sun and Mars… right meow…

We are being asked to live during this time. If you can do what you love, make it happen. The key is to balance that drive and passion with some practicality. Luckily, Saturn will help us do so. Newly awakened from retrograde, Saturn comes into square with both the Sun (11/22) and Mars (11/25).

This looming and developing transit provides structure, boundaries, and limits for an otherwise untethered expression Mars deeply embedded in Scorpio. Considering the manifesting power already available, this becomes a time where we really see ‘what we’ve got’!

Trust fully that if things aren’t working out, they don’t need to. Yes, give it your all… but don’t give it your everything.

Trial and Error

We can only know if something is going to work, if we try it out.

Perhaps a trial period is expiring on something, and it clearly isn’t the perfect fit. Something that was shiny and new just a year ago wants to evolve and take on a different meaning in your life.

Don’t allow the dwindling excitement to have you throw out something valuable. In time, it can and will reform. Deep bonds are powerful and meaningful. Allowing them the space and time to transform is essential to long term, deepening relationships.

The idea of failure isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Our world has a tendency to focus on the black and white, bifurcated, win versus loss mentality. This very linear way of thinking does not serve us in most instances.

If we don’t summit a mountain on the first try, did we fail? Failing to reach an objective is not failure, it is a symbol of limitations in our approach. If we were to go right back at it with the same approach, we would get the same result. If, however, we learn from the previous attempt(s) and try again with this new info, we never know what could happen.

Failure is actually a key to success. It is in the failed attempts that we learn exactly how to reach our end goals.

Take advantage of this opprtunity to enhance your personal awareness. As Mars lies in the heart of the Sun, we can both act on our passions and witness ourselves. If things get to heady, do an activity that gets you into your body or your heart. The head can wait, it’s time to live.

How magical that we are able to be in bodies and perform the daily ceremony of existing!

Thank you for reading…

As we grow, we engage in a process that can be both exciting and confusing. Over the past 11 years I have had the pleasure of assisting hundreds of beautiful people through transformational times. I will always offer a loving, lighthearted, yet practical approach. It is my goal for you to see things from a perspective that serves your highest good. I am here to help.

Learn more about my services or book a session with me, James.

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