The Materials are Changing

I spent many years as a preschool teacher. Immersed in sensory experiences, the kids would create and destroy, build and topple. It was like clockwork. "Look, I did this" followed by "Watch me break it down". Much like these children, the patterns of humanity are fairly simple and in fact similar. Watch us build this, … Continue reading The Materials are Changing

You Belong to You

It is far too easy for each person to give their power away to the television or to a larger extent outer events in general. The evolution of mindfulness is just churning on and on. Each of us doing our part to own our experience instead of polluting the collective, asking it to BE something … Continue reading You Belong to You

Speaking your Truth // The Ills of Apology

Tell me a story that doesn't begin with some sort of dream, some wish, some motivation to create something new better or different. It doesn't exist, even in the bible one could say that somehow God was lonely or at the very least bored or perhaps interested in what might happen.  That He((and i am … Continue reading Speaking your Truth // The Ills of Apology